Wednesday, October 1, 2014

MSSQL Security Logins

Hello Everyone,

This is another day full of new insights and learning on how to manage users in MSSQL. On this topic we will discuss how to grant user access to Database/s.

Below is the step by step procedure:

Step 1. First you will need to login to SQL Server Management Studio: Define which DB Server you are connecting to.

Step 2. Go to Logins. Expand Security of the DB Server.

Step 3. Create New Login. Right click "Logins" and click "New Login..."

Step 4. On the "General" page of the Login - New window, you can either search for a windows authenticated user or you can manually create a SQL authenticated user with your preferred username and password:

Note: For security reasons, just for this topic, you should define the "Default database" to a user Database (ex: TestDataBase). By default, it is always set to "master".

Step 5. On the "Select  a page", click Server Roles. By default, "Public" role is always assigned to a SQL Server Login.

- For Server Level Roles definition, you might want to check this link -

- If you want to perform any activity in the SQL Server, GRANT the user sysadmin role. On the other hand, if you wish to GRANT a user with DB role membership only, proceed to Step 6.

Step 6. Go to "User Mapping" page, select and assign a Database to a user then GRANT database role membership to the user.

Note: You can check the link for DB role membership.

Step 7. After modifying the DB role membership, click "OK" button.

Congratulations! You're done creating SQL user.

For any Comments or Suggestions, please feel free!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

MSSQL Maintenance: FULL Database Backup

Hi Everyone,

Just want to share how to use MSSQL Maintenance to run a Back Up Database Task with Maintenance Cleanup Task.

Below are the step by step process:

1. Open SSMS - SQL Server Management Studio

2. Login to SSMS - SQL Server Management Studio

3. expand Management of Database Server, then right click Maintenance Plan to create New Maintenance Plan...

4. Type the name of your new Backup, then click Ok.

5. Configure the Backup Job Schedule, once your done, Click Ok. (i.e. if you want it to run Daily, Weekly, Monthly)

6. Click and Drag Backup Database Task and Maintenance Cleanup Task to the Maintenance Plan created.

7. Don't forget to link Backup DB task and Maintenance Cleanup Task

8. Right click then Edit Back Up Database Task. Don't forget to input the path from where you will dump the backup files and backup file extension (bak). Once your done with configuration, click Ok.

9. Right click then Edit Maintenance Cleanup Task. Set the same folder path and file extension, the same folder you set in Back Up Database Task. After you are done configuring the Cleanup task, click Ok.

10. Now SAVE your work and your Done!

Your DB Full Backup Maintenance Plan is ready run.
